reminderofthefinitenatureofenergyresourcesandtheneedtoprotecttheenvironmentbyreducingour energy consumption.KVM college of Nursing in association with nature club celebrated “WorldEnergyConservationDay 2023”onDecember19th and20th.
The ultimate objective of energy conservation is to achieve sustainable energy usage, ensuring thatcurrentneedsaremetwithoutcompromisingtheabilityoffuturegenerationstomeettheirownneeds
The nature club organised Green campus campaign on 19th in association with NSS .The students weredivided in groups and cleaning of the college surrounding were done from 8-10qam.As refreshmentKappa and chutney was provided On 20th Poster making competition was organised at conference hallfrom 11.30-1pm .The theme was Save Energy Save Earth. Two students from each batch participatedand 50 minutes preparation and 5 minutes presentation for each batch was given. The evaluation wasmadebyPrincipalandviceprincipal.Thewinnerswerefromthirdsemester.Asatokenofappreciationgiftwasalsodistributed.Theprogram endedby1pm.
Nature club of KVM college of Nursing was officially inaugurated on 05/06/2023 at 2pm in the conference Hall of KVM College of Nursing. Mrs Lekshmi R Nair, Nature club co-ordinator and HOD in Botany Department of KVM Arts & Science College inaugurated the function. The inaugural address was based on the theme of environmental day and the importance of nature in the present scenario . After the inaugural address Principal and Vice principal felicitated the function.