Community Health Nursing

Community Health Nursing


The community health nursing department of KVM college of nursing celebrated on world leprosy day at KVM Hospital on 29/1/2024 . The Day was celebrated to provide awareness about leprosy among the people.Our fourth year students conducted skit on the same day in KVM Hospital.The day was created to promote awareness among  the youth and how to detect the symptoms and how to treat the leprosy . our students gave a clear cut idea about above mentioned through their skit

Report on International Day against drug abuse and Illicit trafficking

On 26/06/2023 as part of International Day against drug abuse and Illicit trafficking alongwith the community health nursing department of the college SSGP organized a poster presentationon drug abuse and its ill effects at KVM Centre for inner peace and de-addiction.The program was posters were prepared and presented by second Semester B. Sc. NursingStudents of the college. All patients and staff of the hospital wing participated in the educationcampaign.Our students explained about drug abuse, factors leading to drug abuse, types of drugsabused its effects on the physical, mental, social, personal and occupational functions of anindividual.The presentation was well received by the participants. It was a good experience.