Medical Surgical Nursing

Medical Surgical Nursing


On 14th November 2023 World Diabetic Day was celebrated by 4th semester BSc Nursing students of K V M College of Nursing, Cherthala along with KVM Hospital under the guidance of Mrs. Jyothis uma S. Programme was inaugurated by Dr. Vinod Kumar, Senior Physician and Diabetologist, K V M Hospital, at the reception hall and followed by his message on the diabetic day. The programme was continued with the speech from Dr. Jingle Xavier, Paediatrician about Diabetes in Children and Dr.Sneha Raju, Ophthalmologist giving awareness regarding Effect of diabetes on Eyes. The programme was enriched with the awareness programme regarding Diabetes Mellitus conducted by 4th Sem Students of K V M College of Nursing. The session ended up by Ms. Lekshmi by giving information on usage of various Millets for Diabetic Control. Along with the awareness Programme free glucose monitoring, neuropathy and retinopathy test were conducted at the hospital premises. The programme was successful in imparting knowledge to the public finished by appreciating   the students and teachers by the administrative wing of K V M Hospital, Cherthala.


KVM college of Nursing in association with KVM Hospital celebrated “World Stroke Day 2023” on November 1st in the O P Department of KVM Hospital.The world celebrated Stroke Day on October 29 th of every year.The theme for this year was Together we are#Greater than Stroke.The program started with a prayer and welcome by Administrative officer Mr.SasidharanK.K,followed this Dr SachinKumar,Neurologist delivered message related theme and given a brief description about the importance of day The program continued with an awareness class by 4th semester BSC Nursing Students with variety of audio visual aids and feedback was obtained from audience.The program completed with great appreciation and faculty Mrs.Anu R V and Mrs.Arathy.M assisted and prepared the students.The program ended around 12pm.