KVM College of Nursing conducted unit level Arts offstage competitions from28th October2022 to 4thNovember 2022 at KVM College of Nursing conference hall from 2pm-4 pm. Thereafter we conducted onstage arts competitions in KVM College of Nursing Auditorium on 17-11-2022. The programme was inaugurated by our beloved principal Prof. Mrs.MareenAsha , Vice Principal Prof. Mrs. Surya C S, Invited Judge KalamandalamDevikrishna ,SNA Advisor Mrs.RakhiGopalakrishnan and Arts Secretary Ms.Joshmy.A small refreshment given at 11.30 am. All competitions are done in an orderly manner without delay from 9 am and we wind up the competitions with Personality Contest at 3.30 pm. All the winners are appreciated by Vice Principal Prof. Mrs. Surya C S.